At the first meeting gravida was explained about the purpose.
The method and the benefits of the study.
Fifteen gravidas who met the inclusion criteria and wished
to participate in the study were enrolled in the study. Each
subject was interviewed for demographic data, age,
education, work, ADL & back pain area & intensity of pain.
An Evaluation Form was filled by the Occupational Therapist
containing above mentioned items.
The evaluation of pain was done by Visual Analogue Scale
(VAS) and Modified. Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability
Questionnaire (MOLBPDQ).
Intervention: Each patient was educated about the (1)
Musculo skeletal changes in pregnancy. (2) Effect of Relaxin
hormone on muscles & ligaments in pregnancy. (3) Normal
posture & compensation postural changes in pregnancy. (4)
Incorporation of bio-mechanical principles in activities of
daily living & work place. (5) Exercises to correct & improve
posture. Above mentioned education was given to the patient
through an education booklet which was in Hindi as well as
English Language. During the whole session the caregiver
was also present. Under supervision women practiced many
of these suggestions e.g. favourable working positions, lifting
techniques etc. The session covered the back care related to
each individual’s occupation & circumstances. It also
provided on opportunity to discuss any queries or problems
encountered in carrying out the advice.
On 21st
day each subject was again reviewed. She marked
the intensity of pain on VAS .MOLBPD Questionnaire was
also again filled by either patient or by the Therapist, after
asking the response of the patient.
All subjects were checked to make sure they had actually
followed the education programme at home by observing
the progression of agility and the fitness of the subject in the