3. Put the ingredients and brown sugar in a large wide container and mix them with your hands. Cover with porous paper or newspaper and leave for 1 to 2 hours.
4. Put the mixture into the clay pot. It should Fill up ¾ of jar. It is important that the jar is not too full or under full. The empty space is not empty. It is filled with air, for optimum fermentation to occur.
5. Put weight (Stone or bag of water sealed properly) on the mixture to control the amount of air in it.
6. Put on the cover and tie the jar. A cover is needed to prevent insects from getting into the mixture. Paper is ideal because it lets the air in and out.
7. Remove the weight after 1 or 2 days. After the air has escaped , put back the cover again
8. Put the jar in a cool and shaded place. Do not open, move or stir the ingredients during the process of fermentation for 5-7 days.
9.After seven days filter the material to extract the juice.
10. The extracted juice can be stored in a glass or plastic bottle in a cool, dark place for up to 6 months. It is important not to tighten the cap completely on the bottle to allow aeration.
11. Shake the bottle once a week to provide air to microorganisms.