About Toon Body Slam (bodyslam) Name - Surname: Bodyslam nickname: Toon
Birthday: May 30, 2522
Height: 175 cm.
Weight: 65 kg.
Elementary School first landscape
Suphanburi High School College
.Bachelor of Laws
University artists like: match box 20, lifehouse
Awards: Outstanding Ball gratitude on Mother's Day of 2549
Occupation: Singer label GMM Grammy. (Jeanie's record).Music Bugs experience in music
- former member of Soft
- rap with the big ass
- playing music by night as the White Rose song - Album stupid
- album "Wonderland. The musical "
- album bodyslam (2545)
.- Album drive (2546)
- Album believe (2548)
- Photo save my life (2550)
- album project "play" (2552)
-. Indigo Album (2553) advertising - advertising yamaha spark
- Advertising Beverage m-150
- drink advertising Pepsi.- Advertise pickup Mitsubishi Triton.