In our society surrounding companies, "transnational challenges" such as growing disparity and unfairness due to conflicts and poverty, aggravating environmental problems, and depletion of energies and resources, are accumulated. In accordance with this, what customers and society expect us to do as one of companies has been diversified.
In light of such a trend, Shiseido aspires to "create a beautiful society that will be sustainable well into the future by everyone related to Shiseido" through dialogue and cooperation with various stakeholders.
The fundamental concept of Shiseido's CSR activities is "Our Way" , which denotes action standards that each and every employee should take toward stakeholders, according to Shiseido Group corporate philosophy "Our Mission, Values and Way".
"Our Way" contains 10 principles regarding "Human Rights", "Labor Standards", "Environment" and "Anti-Corruption" declared in the United Nations Global Compact, which Shiseido announced to join in, as well as social responsibility principle and the core subject of "ISO 26000"; and "Our Way" is shared/practiced by all employees.
Based on "Our Way" , we promote a number of initiatives under the clause of "Toward Society and the Earth" . These initiatives include "SHISEIDO LIFE QUALITY BEAUTY PROGRAM" , with which we strive to improve QOL (Quality of Life) through "cosmetics (beauty)" techniques which are our main business, "Shiseido Earth Care Project" , which is an environmental project promoted by all employees in every aspect of the business activities, initiatives targeting people and areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, as well as the "Mirai Tsubaki Activity" , with which affiliates throughout the world promote social activities suitable for the area, etc. These initiatives are enabling many employees to truly feel their connections with customers and society and cultivating the awareness for them to constantly face society in their daily work.
Companies cannot be managed without the trust of stakeholders.
CSR, as it were, is management itself.
Each and every one of us will heighten our sense of ethics more than ever and promote management that will respond to the expectations of stakeholders with a strong sense of mission.
This is exactly how Shiseido commitment should take on toward all the stakeholders over the world.