Knowledge of the distribution of minimum diameters can help in the choice of the most suitable value for the location parameter of these distributions or even in deciding to dispense with this parameter and to use the two-parameter models of the Weibull or gamma functions instead of the threeparameter functions (Maltamo et al. 1995). Furthermore,the maximum diameter of the distributions and the upper limit of the highest diameter class, which depend on the maximum diameter, are usually used as the upper boundary in four-parameter distributions such as the beta function (Zöhrer 1969, 1970; Loetsch et al. 1973; Gorgoso-Varela et al. 2008). This value is also used as
a scale parameter, in the Johnson’s SB four-parameter distribution (Gorgoso et al. 2012) or in combination with the
minimum diameter to calculate the range used as the scale parameter (Schreuder and Hafley 1977; Scolforo et al. 2003).
The maximum diameter is also considered as an independent variable in some generalized height-diameter models (Lenhart 1968; Amateis et al. 1995). Readers may also be able to identify new applications.