1.2 Organisational structure, responsibility and management authority
Statement of Intent The company shall have an organisational structure that clearly ensures the definition and documentation of the job functions, responsibilities and reporting relationships of staff whose activities affect product safety, legality and quality.
1.2.1 The company shall have an up to date organisational chart demonstrating the management structure of the company.
This shall where appropriate include the responsibilities for any associated hub or satellite depots and of any responsibilities carried out by a Head Office.
1.2.2 The senior management of the company shall ensure that all employees are aware of their responsibilities and that mechanisms are in place to monitor the effectiveness of their operation.
1.2.3 The senior management of the company shall ensure that levels of responsibility and accountability are clearly defined for key staff involved with product safety, legality and quality systems. To this end, job descriptions shall be available. There shall be appropriate documented arrangements in place to cover for the absence of key staff.
1.2.4 The senior management of the company shall have a system in place to ensure that it is kept informed of all relevant legislation, product safety issues, scientific and technical developments, and industry codes of practice. There shall be a system in place to ensure that relevant information is passed to the management at other locations, where appropriate.