The variety of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni was No.1.The PGR-S-Y was mixed in the Dryland
Technology key laboratory of Shandong Province in Qingdao Agricultural University and was sprayed it.
There are 4 treatments in this study with three replications --Control (CK, sweet water), Treatment1 (T1,
50 mg/L), Treatment2 (T2, 100 mg/L) and Treatment3 (T3,200 mg/L). All plots were randomly arranged,
and the area of the plot was 20m2 with 3kg compound fertilizer (N:P:K=15%:15%:20%) applied. The
Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni was treated with the PGR-S-Y in May 18th, 2009 and June 3rd, 2009. The
photosynthetic parameters and the SPAD of chlorophyll were measured in the June 24th, 2009. The
Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni was harvested in the initial flowering stage, and then the yield index was
The variety of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni was No.1.The PGR-S-Y was mixed in the DrylandTechnology key laboratory of Shandong Province in Qingdao Agricultural University and was sprayed it.There are 4 treatments in this study with three replications --Control (CK, sweet water), Treatment1 (T1,50 mg/L), Treatment2 (T2, 100 mg/L) and Treatment3 (T3,200 mg/L). All plots were randomly arranged,and the area of the plot was 20m2 with 3kg compound fertilizer (N:P:K=15%:15%:20%) applied. TheStevia rebaudiana Bertoni was treated with the PGR-S-Y in May 18th, 2009 and June 3rd, 2009. Thephotosynthetic parameters and the SPAD of chlorophyll were measured in the June 24th, 2009. TheStevia rebaudiana Bertoni was harvested in the initial flowering stage, and then the yield index wasmeasured.
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