The conflict is the problem the main character encounters or a struggle between opposing forces that drives the action of the story.
What is the conflict?
Little Red Riding Hood Vs. the Wolf
The climax is the turning point of the story. It is also the peak of action or the most suspenseful part of the story.
What is the climax?
The climax
The huntsman is about to shoot the wolf, when he begins to wonder about the grandmother. The huntsman then cuts Red Riding Hood and the grandmother out of the wolf.
Rising Action
The rising action is the part of the story that develops the problem or builds interest through a series of events.
What are some events that occurred before the climax that built suspense and interest?
When is the conflict introduced?
When Little Red Riding Hood meets the wolf in the forest and stopped to talk to him.
Event 1
The wolf convinces Little Red Riding Hood to stop and pick some flowers. He then went straight to the grandmother's house.
Event 2
The wolf eats the grandmother and puts on her gown and nightcap.
Event 3
Little Red Riding Hood arrives at the grandmother's house.
Event 4
Little Red Riding Hood notices that her grandmother looks different and asks about her big ears, eyes, and teeth. The wolf cunningly answers and then eats her.
Event 5
After eating Little Red Riding Hood, the wolf falls asleep.
Falling Action
The event(s) after the climax, or turning point, that lead to the resolution.
What events are in the falling action in
Little Red Riding Hood
Event 1
Little Red Riding Hood sews stones into the wolf.
Event 2
The wolf dies.
The conclusion to the story that reveals the solution to the problem or conflict.
What was the resolution?
The wolf is dead. Grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood are safe. Little Red Riding Hood never talks to wolves again.