Good agricultural practices for aquaculture (Good Agriculture Practices: GAP) of the Department of fisheries, fishery practices for animal farm (GAP for aquaculture) is part of the standards and guidelines for the route. Productivity and fishery products, especially important to the security of the consumers. Therefore, the use of animal medicines, chemical and hazardous material through the fishery, it is properly in the etiology, certified aquaculture farms. Monitoring the use of the animal drug must be used in chemical and hazardous material through the fisheries that have been registered correctly. If it is used as specified in the label and the data is saved, and can not find residues exceeding a given value. For Thailand Department of Agriculture Ministry of agriculture and cooperatives is the authority that is responsible for the certification of the quality management system. Good agricultural practices (GAP) for requirements. The rules and methods of assessment which is based on the principle that conforms to the international GAP according to the standards of the country's farm-level production plants. As well as the Guide to domestication according to GAP.
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