Chapter 3
Narrator : Cinderella starts crying and goes back to her room. Suddenly something appear.. and Cinderella is very shocked
Cinderella : Who are you? Get out now.
Fairy godmother : Don't worry, I'm a fairy. i'll take you to the palace. But ...i think I must reshape and make you up. Cinderella close your eyes.
Narrator : Suddenly, the fairy turns Cinderella into a princess.
Fairy godmother : Oh. Cinderella, you are beautiful. I will take you to see the prince.
Cinderella : How will we go to the party?
Fairy godmother : I will take you to the palace with my magic spell. But you have to come back before the midnight.
Cinderella : Yes, I understand.
Narator : The fairy godmother spells the magic and dance with song "Om Ma Luk Guk Gooy" Again, and took her to the palace.
Cinderella : Oh..the pince. I'm coming.
Fairy godmother : (พูดกับคนดู) ดูมันทำ เจอเจ้าชายแล้วทิ้งฉันเลยนะย่ะ นางซิลเดอเร ร่าน
Chapter 4
Narrator : the prince falls in loves Cinderella at the first he meet. So he decides to dances with Cinderella.
Prince : What's your name?
Cinderella : I'm Cinderella.
Prince : Do you know about yourself.?
Cinderella: Pardon me ; I don't understand you highness.
Prince : you are the most beautiful girl in the word. Do you know.?
Narrator: A long time that the prince and Cinderella are dancing together.
Now, it midnight. Cinderella forgets warning of the fairy godmother. During dancing she become to ugly Cinderella.