Shizuoka Station)
・TEL: 054-281-7300
・FAX: 054-281-5320
・Lodging fee:
6,982 Yen per night (includes breakfast, tax, and service fee).
* Participants are requested to handle their own check-in and check-out procedures.
・Access map
8. Transportation (between hotel and Shizuoka Works)
(1) Taking Taxi will be the most convenient. Taxi ticket will be provided by Shizuoka works.
On the 1st day morning, a Shizuoka works employee will wait for you at the hotel lobby
to help you. So, please come to the lobby around 9:30.
(2) It takes 15 minutes from Shizuoka works to the hotel you stay.
9. Other (precautions, etc.)
(1) At the end of Day 2nd get-together party will be held (at Shizuoka Works' expense).
(2) Shinagawa prince hotel location information is attached for the participants who will
Stay in the hotel 5th March night.
10. Contact information (and emergency contact number for use during the workshop period)
Mr. Hiroyuki Sekita,
Manager of Planning Section Purchasing Department, Mitsubishi Electric Co., Shizuoka Works.
TEL: 054-287-3027 (MIND: 525-2250)
Mr. Sekita's cell phone (for emergencies): 090-1103-4369
Planning Sect., Purchasing Dept.