In the past, when working in newspaper graphics, Ciaran_s work would often provide
support to the story of the day. Personal politics influence roles_some duty editors are
more sympathetic to graphics (and interactives) than others, often depending on their
own journalistic background. This is true of the BBC too_Bella explains that the plac-
ing of interactives within stories can in turn lead to disputes across departments, driven
by scarcity of resources. Bella prefers the Specials team to create self-contained interac-
tives rather than visual accompaniments to other team_s news stories, because this
involves retaining full editorial control. This approach creates impact; it yields page
impressions, social media _shares_, and various other data (including interaction data),
that can be directly attributed to the team_s work. This audit trail can in turn re-enforce
the team_s editorial integrity and independence.