Rework refers to re-doing a process or activity that was incorrectly implemented in the first place and is generally caused by quality defects, variance, negligence, and poor design and/or on-site management (Sun et al., 2004). Rework is usually pure waste and should be avoided as much as possible. The only requirement for handling rework is to perform all necessary correction activities to guarantee the conformance of the “asbuilt” to the “as designed”, which is more or less obvious. However, the decision of rework is a difficult one since rework is normally accompanied by the demolition of what has already built. In most cases, reworks become change orders by minor adjustments in design, construction processes or use of alternative materials as long as the baseline requirements can be still satisfied by the new alternative. A number of organization and associations produce standard contract forms. These include the American Institute of Architects (AIA), the Association of General Contractors (AGC), the Construction Management Association of America, and in Canada, the Canadian Construction Association (CCA) and Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC). A construction project management authority can choose to use any combination of these standard documents directly or develop their own documents ether as modified standard documents or proprietary in-house contracts. As change orders are part of the contract, all these standards have articles or clauses to obligate the change management procedure.