The Just in time improves organizational efficiency by method entails sourcing the required raw material or item for processing on demand, and scheduling the work based on order or demand for the product. This synchronization of supply with production, and production with demand improves the flow of goods and reduces the need for storage facilities.
JIT’s focus on eliminating waste from the production process leads to redesign of the workspace to ensure a smooth flow of goods or processes, eliminating redundant tasks, and minimizing transportation of the product across the workspace.
The traditional manufacturing process call for “batch" manufacturing or manufacturing of a particular component or model in a “lot" before moving on to another “batch" or “lot." JIT makes it possible to manufacture even single pieces or components without any delays.
JIT’s system of kanban or specific instructions for each worker eliminates all scope for mistakes in the workfloor.
The relentless effort to eliminate waste and achieve zero-defects improves productivity, cuts down manufacturing time, and improves product quality