Powdery mildew intensity
The test concentrations of culture filtrate of bio-control
agents which inhibited the conidial germination of
Table 1. Effect of culture filtrates of various bio-control agents on Inhibition of conidial germination of
Phyllactinia corylea
Concentration (%) Conidial germination inhibition over check(%)
Treatment 6.25 12.50 25.00 50.00 Means
Trichoderma harzianum 16.44*(23.78)fgh 28.63(32.35)de 57.89(49.55)c 72.23(58.23)b 43.80(40.98)B
Trichoderma viride 12.84(20.77)gh 22.95(28.56)ef 51.89(46.08)c 75.08(60.06)b 40.69(38.87)B
Gliocladium roseum 6.93(13.62)i 17.72(24.72)fg 37.55(37.77)d 54.24(47.43)c 29.11(30.88)C
Chaetomium indicum 10.25(17.47)hi 20.38(26.75)efg 38.72(38.37)d 54.08(47.35)c 30.86(32.49)C
Trichothecium roseum 10.23(17.96)hi 19.70(26.34)efg 37.93(38.00)d 61.65(51.77)c 32.38(33.52)C
Carbendazim 50 wp 81.33 (64.40)a 81.33(64.40)A
Means 23.00(26.33)Di 31.79(33.85)Ci 50.89(45.69)Bi 66.44(54.87)Ai
*Figures in parentheses represent arc sine transformed values; ** Carbendazim 50 wp was used only at recommended
concentration of 0.05%; Values superscripted with similar letter(s) are statistically at par with each other