3. Environmental Impact
3.1 Proposal to develop the site to attract tourism (recreation, water sport, picnic sites etc.)
3.2 Effect of the storage in flood mitigation
3.3 Changes in salinity of underground water expected and remedies, if required.
3.4 Expected water-logging problems and remedies.
3.5 Aquatic Life.
a) Existence of migratory fish life and proposals for fish ladder, if any.
b) Proposals for fisheries development and crocodile farming, if any.
c) Loss in aquatic production up or downstream, if any
3.6 Broad details of mines, mineral, commercial timber and other natural resources 1 & 8 coming under
submergence with estimated loss
3.7 Broad details of injurious minerals coming under sub-mergence
3.8 Effect of water body in enhancement of water borne diseaseg/6.
3.9 Broad details of likely growth of weeds (salvinia. water hyacinth etc.), intermittent host vectors like snails,
mosquitoes/3/8/7 and proposed remedial measures.
3.10 Effect of project on climatalogical changes (temperature, humidity, wind and precipitation includingmodification
to micro and macro climate)
3.11 Measures to prevent animal over grazing and cultivation of fore-shore on reservoir to prevent premature
3.12 Likely impact of reservoir loading on seismicity
3.13 Likely impact of population pressure on (during construction)
a) Felling the trees for fire wood
b) Forest fires