On June 1, JICA organized a side event to the Fifth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) focusing on universal health coverage (UHC) in Africa, at the Intercontinental Yokohama Grand Hotel. The opportunities and challenges of promoting UHC in Africa were discussed. Kiyoshi Kodera, the vice president of JICA, chaired the session.
Although many African countries have witnessed an accelerated reduction of maternal and child mortality in the last decade, most of them still face a challenge in reaching the heath-related MDGs. The inter- and intra-country disparity in access to essential health care is emerging as an equity problem. In addition, ensuring financial protection from catastrophic medical bills, especially for the poor, is a challenge not only for Sub-Saharan Africa but also for North African countries. Under these circumstances, UHC is being highlighted as an instrument to ensure human security by protecting people from impoverishment due to medical expenses, which will be a foundation for political stability and sustained economic development. UHC is highly relevant for many African countries that have started remarkable economic growth.