Fig. 2 presents the typical X-ray diffraction patterns of the prepared
nanotubes with the strongest intensity at 2h of 23.45. The
reflection pattern of the sample coincides with that of nonstoichiometric
tungsten oxides W18O49, whose cell parameters are
a = 1.8280 nm, b = 0.3775 nm, c = 1.3980 nm. (JPCDS Card No: 05-
0392). And the high intensity at a 2h value of around 23.45, indexed
to (010) direction and agreed with the HRTEM result. To
our best knowledge, there are a number of tungsten oxide nanostructures
(e.g., nanorods [21,22] or nanowires [4,23]), in which
(010) is the dominant growth direction.
Fig. 2 presents the typical X-ray diffraction patterns of the preparednanotubes with the strongest intensity at 2h of 23.45. Thereflection pattern of the sample coincides with that of nonstoichiometrictungsten oxides W18O49, whose cell parameters area = 1.8280 nm, b = 0.3775 nm, c = 1.3980 nm. (JPCDS Card No: 05-0392). And the high intensity at a 2h value of around 23.45, indexedto (010) direction and agreed with the HRTEM result. Toour best knowledge, there are a number of tungsten oxide nanostructures(e.g., nanorods [21,22] or nanowires [4,23]), in which(010) is the dominant growth direction.
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