'm looking into both of these laptops for college and can't decide on which I should buy. Obviously the MSI is the better value (Much cheaper and better GPU). It can be repaired/upgraded much easier though (I don't really know how much of a plus this is though considering I'd be getting a 3yr warranty anyways). On the other hand, I feel the Retina Display would help a lot for video editing (Mostly Premiere Pro CS6) and it seems like it would be easier to code for OSX if I had a Mac. Also the difference in GPUs isn't that big of a deal to me; both can run any of the games I want to play. Plus I feel like Thunderbolt port are going to be huge later on because of the possibilities for eGPUs and extremely fast data transfer for external hard drives. Is the extra ~$800 really worth it for a laptop I'll have for the next 4 years (at a minimum)?