1.4 Methodology
1.5 Theoretical and empirical approach
2. Knowledge organization in the context of library and information science
3. Social organization and knowledge organization: A sociohistorical view
3.1 Orality and knowledge organization
3.2 Writing and knowledge organization
3.3 Printing and knowledge organization
3.4 The Computer and knowledge organization
3.5 Summary
4. The social organization of documents and knowledge in society
4.1 A social theory of the media
4.2 Documents and social organization: A historical perspective
4.3 Habermas and the theory of public sphere
4.4 Toward a theory of the social organization of documents and knowledge
4.4.1 The public sphere and scholarly communication
4.5 Summary
5. Social organization and knowledge organization: A genre and activity approach
5.1 Genre and activity systems
5.2 Bakhtin’s notion speech genres
5.3 Genre as social action
5.4 Systems of genres and social organization
5.5 Social organization through discourse
5.6 Writing, genres and activity systems
5.7 Summary: Genre and activity systems
5.8 Knowledge organization and genre and activity systems
5.9 Summary
6. The literary organization of the scholarly communication system
6.1 The notion of subject literature
6.2 Subject literature and its epistemological context
6.3 Subject literature in a communication context
6.3.1 Primary literature
6.3.2 Secondary literature
6.3.3 Tertiary literature
6.4 Summary: The epistemological and communicative division of labor of scholarly
7. Framing the case study
7.1 Theories and studies of scholarly writing
7.2 Forms and degrees of cognitive authority in knowledge organization
7.2.1 The author
7.2.2 Title
7.2.3 Publisher
7.2.4 Institutional affiliation
7.2.5 Journal name
7.2.6 Edition
7.2.7 Abstract
7.2.8 Indexing and classification
7.2.9 Reference list
7.2.10 Summary
7.3 Theoretical positions in indexing
7.3.1 The aboutness-concept
7.3.2 The concept of subject and subject analysis
7.3.3 Request, user and cognitive-oriented indexing
7.3.4 Meaning, language and interpretation
7.3.5 Techniques of indexing
7.3.6 Discussion and summary
8. Case study: Analyzing scholarly literature and its organization in scholarly bibliographies
8.1 Psychological Relevance: The Case of a LIS-article
8.1.1 The indexing of Harter’s article in two LIS-bibliographies
8.2 Demarcation in Science
8.2.1 The indexing of Gieryn’s article in Sociological Abstracts
8.3 Narrativism in the Field of History
8.3.1 The indexing of Lorenz’ article in Historical Abstracts
8.4 Neutron diffraction
8.4.1 The indexing of the article in INSPEC
8.5 Case study in perspective: A final discussion
9. Conclusion