NaPAA and NaOH/NaPAA catalysts were prepared by in situ
polymerization (Jin et al., 2009). Acrylic acid aqueous solutions
were neutralized into complete neutralization degree and different
over-neutralization degrees by drop-wise addition of NaOH
aqueous solution. Required amount of NMBA aqueous solution
was added in the mixture then N2 was slowly purged to drive
off the remaining oxygen. After that, a given quantity of PPS aqueous
solution and SS aqueous solution was added to the mixed
solution. The polymerization was carried out at a water batch of
50 ± 1 C for 2 h. The resulting NaPAA and NaOH/NaPAA products
were cut into small pieces and then dried in a vacuum oven at
130 ± 1 C to a constant weight. The dried polymer was milled
and then screened with particles between 20- and 40- mesh collected.
Hereafter, the NaOH/NaPAA samples with different NaOH
loading amounts were designated as NaP-X, where X represents
molar ratio of NaOH per gram of NaAA monomer (x = 0, 2.5, 7.5,
10.0, 12.5, and 15.0).
NaPAA and NaOH/NaPAA catalysts were prepared by in situpolymerization (Jin et al., 2009). Acrylic acid aqueous solutionswere neutralized into complete neutralization degree and differentover-neutralization degrees by drop-wise addition of NaOHaqueous solution. Required amount of NMBA aqueous solutionwas added in the mixture then N2 was slowly purged to driveoff the remaining oxygen. After that, a given quantity of PPS aqueoussolution and SS aqueous solution was added to the mixedsolution. The polymerization was carried out at a water batch of50 ± 1 C for 2 h. The resulting NaPAA and NaOH/NaPAA productswere cut into small pieces and then dried in a vacuum oven at130 ± 1 C to a constant weight. The dried polymer was milledand then screened with particles between 20- and 40- mesh collected.Hereafter, the NaOH/NaPAA samples with different NaOHloading amounts were designated as NaP-X, where X representsmolar ratio of NaOH per gram of NaAA monomer (x = 0, 2.5, 7.5,10.0, 12.5, and 15.0).
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