8.1 The products covered by the provisions of this Standard shall be labelled in accordance with the
General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1 -1985). In addition, the
following specific provisions apply:
8.2 Name of the Product
8.2.1 The name of the product shall be “grapefruit”, “mandarin oranges”, “pummelo” or “oranges”, as
defined in Section 2.1.
8.2.2 For Canned Grapefruit, Sweet Orange Varieties, and Canned Pummelo:
(a) The style shall be included as part of the name or in close proximity to the name of the
product as in Section 2.3.1.
(b) The packing medium shall be included as part of the name or in close proximity to the name
of the product as in Section 3.1.2.
(c) The colour for grapefruit or pummelo if “pink”, the colour type “pink” shall be included as
part of the name or in close proximity to the name of the product. If an added ingredient, as defined in Section 3.1.3, alters the flavour characteristic of the product, the
name of the food shall be accompanied by the term “flavoured with X” or “X flavoured” as appropriate.
8.2.3 For Canned Mandarin Oranges:
(a) The style, as appropriate, shall be declared as a part of the name or in close proximity to the
name of the product, as follows:
(i) Whole segments - A size classification for Whole segments style may be stated on the
label if the pack complies with the appropriate requirements of Section 2.4.1 of this
Standard. In addition, the number of units present in the container may be shown by a
range of count, e.g., “(number) to (number) whole segments”.