1 Review Shapes Level 1 portfolio and continue to put work in portfolio.
2 Collect 10 words related to geometry and put in portfolio.
3 Using paper, make basic shapes: Square, rectangle, triangle, circle. Put in portfolio.
4 Group small and large shapes. Put in portfolio.
5 Identify shapes in home. Put list of items in portfolio.
6 Identify shapes in school. Put list of items in portfolio.
7 Using geoboard, make basic shapes: Square, rectangle, triangle. Take photo and put in portfolio.
8 Using geoboard, make large and small shapes (e.g., small square inside large square). Take photo and put in portfolio.
9 Using computer drawing program, make basic shapes: Square, rectangle triangle, circle. Print and put in portfolio.
10 Use shape blocks to follow pattern. Record pattern and put in portfolio.