“Damnit, a smokescreen!”
The four men hurriedly threw away their thermal vision goggles and attempted to get out of the smoke. ”But they can't see through the smoke either! Don't panic and just get out of the smoke!”
However, to Koutarou who could see the enemy's aura, it was as if there was no smoke to begin with. As the men tried to escape the smoke, they lost another ally. But their misfortune did not end there.
“Captain! The enemy!”
“What? There are three of him?!”
Standing in front of the three men as they escaped the smoke were three Koutarou. And all three Koutarou attacked the men at the same time.
“It doesn't matter how many there are! Kill them!”
The men repeatedly fired their rifles, each attacking the Koutarou in front of them. The three Koutarou's struck by the beams vanished like smoke. They were all illusions created by magic.
“They're gone?!”
While the three men were distracted by the illusions, the fourth Koutarou that had been hiding snuck up on them.
“You should have wondered why I was relying on a heated smokescreen.”
The fourth Koutarou swung his sword with both hands, sending two of the remaining three men flying, and just like the first man, they rolled onto the ground and lost consciousness.
The first three Koutarou were illusions created by Signaltin. However, they weren't advanced enough to produce a heat reaction, so there was a risk that the men might see through them with their thermal vision. So firstly the heated smokescreen was needed. Once they removed their goggles, everything had gone according to Koutarou's plan. And while the men were distracted by the illusions, the real Koutarou attacked. Attacking a defenseless opponent was child's play to him.
“W-Who are you?!”
All that remained was one man, the leader of the group. He was a skilled shooter, but on his own he couldn't hurt Koutarou. The armor's barrier was going strong and Koutarou could see through his aim with his spiritual powers. He no longer stood a chance against Koutarou and repeatedly fired as he slowly retreated.
“Who? I'm just a Blue Knight maniac like you said. But I might have gone a little too far.”
“Why are you siding with that girl?! What benefits could you possible get?!”
“Why is only obvious. Aren't I dressed as the Blue Knight? Of course I'll protect the princess. I'm stupid after all.”
Koutarou walked up to the man and casually punched him in the gut, knocking the last man to the ground. A long time had passed since he parted with the girls of room 106, and the powers he had borrowed were growing weaker, but even then he had come out victorious unharmed. The fight ended precisely how Koutarou and Clan had expected.