The purpose of this experiment was to compare the efficacy of the extract, galangal and ginger in the turnip aphids repellent. The turnip aphids are pests of economic importance are found in vegetable outbreaks and the damage is very serious. In this experiment, galangal and ginger opted to test the efficiency of this type of insect repellent because it is the same family of herbs and plant extracts, the two species are also safe for the environment and farmers. The experimental design was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) by extract, galangal and ginger marinated with distilled water at room temperature 37 degrees Celsius and the water temperature is 100 ° C for an adult to test the efficacy had 3 treatments and 4 replications. The way by repeatedly dipping a paper filter that extracts the two species have a good repellent. The effectiveness of the extract, galangal solvent water temperature to 100 °C, the concentration of 8% effective highest percentage punching average five hours of 82.80 ginger extract solvent distilled water at room temperature 37 ° C at a concentration of 8. 5% is the percentage of dismissed average of 72.91 hours.