A general strengthening of all areas is needed with regards to e-waste management in the Philippines. The total number of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) disposed in the country between 1995 and 2010 amounts to approximately 39 million units. As there is no separate policy framework regarding e-waste, the disposed units are treated as part of MSW, and are taken to the same landfills or illegally dumped. The development of an e-waste policy framework needs to be supported by adequate facilities for technologies such as e-waste recycling. The costs of these facilities are high (an Integrated Recycling Facility will cost approximately USD 8.2 million), and the country will require financial support. Long-term needs include the launching of a public awareness campaign in order to promote segregation of e-waste from other MSW. It also needs to be made clear which institutions at both national and local levels will be responsible for policy implementation.