I have now called Nigel and he confirms your lawyer will not answer the phone nor will Steve, the enquiries into SIGNIFICANT false (critical absent) data in visa application is quite condemning – and it the enquiry has now been raised to formal investigation.
Further, there are glowing apparent discrepancies in the Parker Bridge annual financial report which has now been flagged for investigation to the appropriate dept. The Directors (Thai) will be contacted and asked to make sense of the matters.
It would be most appreciated if you would provide me now with the contact details of your Thai Director – Mis Monruedee
If you fail to supply the contact phone number and or current address it will be noted that you have refused and genuine enquiry of concern into the moral conduct of the board of Directors
Foreigners using local Thai spouse as mail boxes for corporate activities is currently a matter under review with the controlling political party (army) as verified by Nigel
If you doubt the position of Nigel I welcome you to call him, neither of us tolerant bullshit nor egotistic power playing games from foreigners in Thailand.
Arwee has options and so does Steve if neither have come forward and ratify matters and therefore it has escalated. The same consequence stands before my conduct; anymore make accusations to/from me are liable unless that can demonstrate proper reason and justified cause.
I DO NOT personally have discord with you or Parker Bridge. You need to recognise and share to your Director/s (including Thai) that the gross negligent misconduct by Director Director Steven John Hamblin has caused substantial damage to your business, to my wellbeing and the welfare of Arwee and I will exercise all and every resource to see all person/s involved are appropriated reported and punished.Without Prejudice
Make no mistake Parker bridge is vicariously liable legal and morally.
An employee with manic depressive succumbed by a Director into an affair destroying her reputation and character. Coaxing her to manipulate others (me and or others) for money and or other gains.
Misleading and deceitful conduct and so on
That same Director Steven John Hamblin has issued written statement to me (not verbatim)
that he has many wives and thats the game he plays and they (the wives) all know it...
I believe the authorities and the community here and in NZ will to have serious concerns about the morality of that when Arwee has confirmed to me she was only aware that he was a single man.
Further that company director when questioned on the subject responded to me with threats and raised the intimidation to calling me a coward when it is he that is a coward to conceal his affairs and prey on mentally impaired single women that are struggling to achieve in a community rather than falling to the perils of prostitution; freelance or mistress (mae noi)