Mean survival across all temperature and feed frequency treatments
after 12 months was highest for year 2 lobsters (81±3.3%), with
lower but similar survival between year 1 lobsters (63±4.2%) and
post-pueruli (63±7.3%). Survival of post-pueruli did not differ with
temperature (p=0.51). However, survival of year 1 and 2 juveniles was
higher at ambient temperatures (11% higher for year 1 pb0.05; 14%
higher for year 2, pb0.05) (Table 1; Fig. 1). Survival declined steadily
throughout the 12 month period for all size classes across both
temperature treatments. However, there appeared to be a subtle
change in survival for ambient tanks which reflected changing water
temperatures, where mortalities were higher in the warmer months
and plateaued in winter months (Fig. 1).