Dear khun Patipan,
Thank you so much for attending the iExtranet presentation today.
Khun Tanawoot reported to me your questions. Below are the answers. If you have additional questions please let me know. We can also have an online meeting to answer to your concerns.
Test account: Yes we can extend the test account for you to one month with pleasure. I feel confident that very rapidly you will find the iExtranet solution convenient for your company.
Transfer speed and stability: I understand that you have problems sharing files today. The iExtranet is a professional solution that features accelerators for uploads/downloads and allows transfer resumption in case your Internet connection is lost. This saves a lot of time. Additionally the tracking allows you to know when files are downloaded by your Contacts.
Kind of file that can be shared: All kind of files and any size of files can be shared. There is no limitation.
Edit on line: Yes you can edit Microsoft office documents online. I can show you how easy it is. We also have an option named Websynchro that allows you to edit a document on a PC and to synchronize it with the iExtranet so the latest version is always on line.
To make your test account better and to allow me to prepare a good price offer could you kindly answer the following questions (I will send you the best Quote after I receive your reply):
§ How do your Users do today to share large files (what solution do you use)?
§ Who are the internal Users (Marketing? Communication? Account managers?) and how many of them?
§ Do you wish to share files simultaneously with internal Contacts (your staff and managers) and external Contacts (business partners)?
§ What are the main complaints / requests from your Users today?
§ Will you need the iExtranet in only one language (English for example) or in multiple languages? You may consider that some of your external Contacts are not fluent in English and would prefer a Thai user interface (we have a pack of 11 languages).
§ Any idea of the sharing space you may need to start? K. Tanawoot can explain this.
I look forward to read your kind reply.
Please rest assure that K. Tanawoot, I and the whole Oodrive Asia team will tailor the iExtranet to match your needs of today and your requirements of tomorrow.