aristmas is such popular holiday that its no surprise that the Japanese cekebrate as well. western person who Japan at the end of the year, many and sounds are familiar the in ads, the big displays and he music in the stores. the Santas lights on the houses, stockings stuffed with toys, and decorated tr But look a bit closer and you begin to realize that the Japanese interpretation of Christmas is something rather different. For one thing, Christmas is more of a fun start to the holidays rather than the main event. In Japan, the most important holiday of the season is New Year's Day, which comes one week later, New Year is the big traditional holiday when family and friends get together In fact, Christmas is not officially a holiday at all-most people have to work that day unless it happens to fall on a weekend. As a result, people celebrate on Christmas Eve. What do the Japanese do on Christmas Eve? Orien thoy yo o tor dinner at a tancy restaurant. This custom has become very popular, and most good restaurants are fully