7.3.4 Information Technology (IT) attributes
Attributes for IT factors are mostly related to the issue of reliability of the infrastructure. Key Informant 1 the MISManager
suggested for example, that ‘IT related attribute include flexibility of the infrastructure and database. If the
database is complete and/or being updated. Data measurement is also important attribute for the success of the project’.
According to Key Informant 3, the Net-Developer, IT attributes are ‘reliability, scalability, and ability to withstand stress.’
Key Informant 4, the BI-Analyst suggested ‘reliability, authentication of end users and a backup plan’ as essential
attributes of the IT factor.
7.3.5 Vendor’s Support (VS) attributes
Key Informants considered the following attributes significant for Vendors Support:
‘...reliable, and fulfil requirement within organisation budget’.(Key Informant 1, MIS-Manager)
‘...system support and on-time availability in case of problems’.(Key Informant 3, Net-Developer)
‘...quick turn-around time and on-demand support...’.(Key Informant 4, BI-Analyst)