Effects of chitosan, calcium chloride, and their combination on preventing quality and safety deterioration
of postharvest fresh-cut honeydew melon at 7 C were investigated. Treatments of all these three
delayed weight loss, improved firmness, delayed colour changes and moderately inhibited microbial
growth. Interestingly, combined treatment of chitosan and calcium chloride was the most effective,
leading to 40% less weight loss, 45% (3.70 N) increase in firmness, less overall colour difference, and more
than 0.5 log CFU/g inhibition on mesophilic and psychrotropic growths on day 13 of storage as compared
to control group. In addition, these treatments also inhibited degradation of pectin chains. Nanostructural
analysis of fruit pectin via atomic force microscopy (AFM) indicated that firmness was closely
related to the nanostructure of sodium carbonate-soluble pectin (SSP). Short and narrow SSP chains were
observed more in samples with less firmness. We conclude that edible coating of chitosan combined
with calcium chloride treatment synergistically extends the shelf-life of fresh-cut honeydew melon by
maintaining the integrity of SSP via interactions between SSP and calcium ions or protonated chitosan
Effects of chitosan, calcium chloride, and their combination on preventing quality and safety deteriorationof postharvest fresh-cut honeydew melon at 7 C were investigated. Treatments of all these threedelayed weight loss, improved firmness, delayed colour changes and moderately inhibited microbialgrowth. Interestingly, combined treatment of chitosan and calcium chloride was the most effective,leading to 40% less weight loss, 45% (3.70 N) increase in firmness, less overall colour difference, and morethan 0.5 log CFU/g inhibition on mesophilic and psychrotropic growths on day 13 of storage as comparedto control group. In addition, these treatments also inhibited degradation of pectin chains. Nanostructuralanalysis of fruit pectin via atomic force microscopy (AFM) indicated that firmness was closelyrelated to the nanostructure of sodium carbonate-soluble pectin (SSP). Short and narrow SSP chains wereobserved more in samples with less firmness. We conclude that edible coating of chitosan combinedwith calcium chloride treatment synergistically extends the shelf-life of fresh-cut honeydew melon bymaintaining the integrity of SSP via interactions between SSP and calcium ions or protonated chitosangroups.
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