Second, non-invasive Imaging Techniques are also important for Marmoset Research. Conventional histological Techniques, Such As sectioning of tissues, Require The Destruction of specimens of sacrificed Animals. As a Result, IT is Impossible to Monitor Anatomical Changes of The Same Animal over long. periods by conventional methods. In addition, for Primate Research, The number of Animals Available for Research is another Issue, Because of Cost and ethical Issues. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive Imaging Technique to visualize internal Structures of The Body. in detail, and is Used for Medical diagnosis. Various MRI Techniques for Common Marmoset Have been Developed, including Diffusion tensor Tractography (DTT) for in Vivo Tracing of axonal Fibers of The Spinal Cord, Visual System and fetal Brain (Fujiyoshi et AL. 2 007. ; Yamada et AL. two thousand and eight; Konomi et AL.. 2012; Hikishima et AL. 2 013), and Voxel based Morphometric (VBM) analysis (Hikishima et AL. 2011). DTT is a non-invasive Imaging Technique that Can Track neuronal Fiber. The pathways of Brain. Technique visualizes This Fiber tracts by detecting neuronal Water Diffusion in The Brain (Ito et AL. 2002; Masutani et al. The 2,003th). Usually, Water diffuses in all directions. When there is a Barrier, Such As a neuronal Fiber, Water Will diffuse unevenly. The Direction of Fastest Diffusion Corresponds to The Length of The neuronal Fiber pathways. Conventional MRI Techniques show The White Matter. of The Brain As a homogeneous Tissue, Even though IT actually Contains a Complex array of specifically oriented nerve Fibers. In our Previous Study, We succeeded in visualizing Both intact and surgically disrupted Spinal long tracts in The Adult Common Marmoset by DTT (Fujiyoshi et AL. . two thousand and seven), demonstrating The Utility of this Imaging Tool for Evaluating axonal conditions in The Injured Spinal Cord. VBM analysis is also an advanced MRI Technique Applied to cognitive Brain Research in Both Human subjects and non-Human primates (Ashburner & Friston 2000th; Hikishima. et AL. the 2011th). VBM is a neuroimaging Technique that allows Investigation of focal Differences in Brain Anatomy, using The Statistical Approach of Statistical Parametric Mapping. Compared to Traditional morphometry, in which volume of The Brain region is measured by Drawing Regions of interest (. ROIs) on images, VBM is more Accurate, and structural Can Detect Small Differences. VBM Can be Used to Analyze structural MR images to Identify Differences in Brain Anatomy between Control and Experimental groups, or to Detect Changes Within longitudinal groups. Recently, We Created a population-averaged brain template for the common marmoset for precise VBM analysis (Hikishima et al. The 2011th). This System Will facilitate marmosets in The Use of MRI Studies, and potentially Enable The Detection of subtle Anatomical Differences Associated with Changes physiological or transgenic manipulation.
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