We aim to share benefits and limit our impact by carefully selecting our project investments, by improving the way we run our operations, and by making better products.
Sustainable development in Shell diagram
To manage the impact of our operations and projects on the environment and society we have a comprehensive set of standards and requirements covering health, safety, security, environment (HSSE) and social performance (SP).
The Shell General Business Principles provide high level guidance and our Commitment and Policy on HSSE & SP reflects our aims on how we operate and involve communities close to our operations.
All companies, contractors and joint ventures under Shell operational control must manage HSSE and SP in line with the Commitment and Policy, and apply our mandatory standards and requirements.
We consider environmental and social factors in our investment decisions and when planning major new projects including, for example, the expected future costs of emitting CO2.
Before starting any substantial work on major projects or existing facilities we perform an environmental, health and social impact assessment and we carry out subsequent reviews.
We have a Corporate and Social Responsibility Committee, made up of four Non-executive Directors, to assess our policies and performance.
The Chief Executive of Royal Dutch Shell plc is accountable for sustainable development and he chairs our HSSE and Social Performance Executive, which reviews environmental and social performance and sets priorities, key performance indicators and targets.