Elastic modulus, a measure of intrinsic film stiffness, is the slope of the linear range of the stress–strain plot (Mauer, Smith, & Labuza, 2000). Control Ch film (0G:100Ch) showed the highest in elastic modulus (1036.6 MPa). Elastic modulus (EM) significantly increased with incorporation of Ch in blend films (Table 1). Values obtained in this study showed that the ratio 60G:40Ch might be an optimum level of interactions between these biopolymers. Pranoto, Lee, and Park (2007) reported that there was an optimum level for interaction between polysaccharides and gelatin where gelatin was the major and dominant phase in the film system they used, and concluded that 2% was found to be beyond the optimum level of interaction between polysaccharides and gelatin. Thus, concluded that the strength and flexibility of the composite films could be modified by changing the ratio of protein to polysaccharides. However, we believe that the addition of Ch to gelatin films produced more flexible films suggests that Ch takes part in the weakening or reduction of the number of hydrogen bonds, acting as a plasticiser.