In this method trenches 3 to 12 m long, 2 to 3 m wide and 1 to 2 m deep are excavated with clear spacing of 2 m. The trenches are then filled up with dry solid waste in layers of 15 cm. On top of each layer 5 cm thick sandwiching layer of night soil animal dung is spread in semi liquid form. On the top layer of night soil animal dung is spread in semi liquid form. On the top layer protruding about 30 cm above the surrounding ground layer, a layer of earth having thickness of around 10 cm is laid so that there is no problem of flies. Intensive biological action starts in 2 to 3 days and organic matter decomposition starts. In this process considerable heat is generated and temperature of the composting mass rises upto 75 0 C. Due to this fly breeding does not take place. The solid waste stabilizes in 4 to 6 months and gets changed in to a brown coloured, odourless, innocuous powdery form known as humus having high manure value because of nitrogen content.
The stabilized mass is then removed from trenches screened to remove coarse inert materials like stones brick bats, glass pieces plastic articles etc