In the initial pivotal program (studies 71 and 75) flibanserin demonstrated statistically significant superiority to placebo on only one of two co-primary endpoint, change in SSEs. Regarding improvement in desire, flibanserin showed separation from placebo on eDiary Desire (primary) but that difference did not reach statistical significance. Consistent with the recommendation of FDA and its advisory committee, the Sponsor completed an additional pivotal study (Study 147) with the goal of demonstrating statistically significant improvements over placebo on two co-primary measures, SSEs and a validated and consistent instrument for measuring desire (FSFI-Desire), and on a key secondary measure of distress associated with low desire (FSFD-R13 (Distress)). Study 147 was successful on each of these required endpoint, as well as other secondary measures of efficacy. Secondary endpoint for studies 71 and 75 are also presented below, along with nominal p-values, to provide a sense of the consistency of the results across studies.