Phase II: (Implementation phase) An official permission to conduct the proposed study was obtained by the researcher from the manager of hospital and the head of ESWL unit. Researcher interviewed patients individually At initial interview, the researcher introduce her self to initiate communication, explain the nature, purpose of program, fill out the four tools of the study and scheduled with them the educational Sessions. n a period of 6 Collection of data was months, started from the beginning of January 2013 to the end of June 2013, through two days weekly. The number of patients who are interviewed each day varies between (1-2 patients) based on patients response and inclusion criteria. The time spent with each for filling assessment sheet varies between 30-45minutes according to patient response Randomly the researcher started to make individual interview with each elderly patient, (number usually for study group and number 2 for control group, number 3 was for study group, number 4 was for control group ....etc) The tool used twice for the same patients as the following; For study group; first time was used one day before extracorporeal shock waves lithotripsy session (pre-test), and the second time was 7 days after session after giving health education program to conduct post knowledge test, using follow up part of the and part three only For the control group; first time also was used one day before extracorporeal shock waves lithotripsy session (pre-test) using all three parts and the second time was after the procedure by 7 days without giving health education program (post knowledge test), using only follow up part and part three of knowledge