1. Explain the visual text that you chose.
2. Why did the author publish this visual? What was his or her purpose?
3. Who is the audience for this visual text? Do you think they will get the author's message easily?
4. How would you describe the stance of this visual text? What does the author want you to think, or believe? What message are they trying to send?
1. This is a political cartoon and I found it on Pinterest under "Political cartoons for kids". This means it should be easy to understand the message, even for children. the cartoon shows 2 amazed parents watching the news about guns while their child is playing a video game about guns.
2. I think the author's purpose is to show that people are surprised when they see news about guns and killing. It shocks them, like the couple in the cartoon. But at the same time, they let their child play a game which lets him shoot things. It seems like hypocrisy.
3. The audience is anyone who may look at political cartoons. Also, the audience is probably expected to be American because guns are a big topic of debate in America. The audience also includes younger people because the message is easy to get.
4. I think the author's stance is that they are more annoyed that we get angry about things we see, even when we sometimes are guilty of doing them ourselves. Also, the message would be the importance of teaching our children carefully. Finally, the saying "Practice what you preach" comes to mind. If you are angered about gun violence, than maybe you shouldn't let your kid play gun games all the time!