A cut in which one or more edges of the cutting tool are not in constant contact with the work piece surface is
called as intermittent cut. The Prediction of the surface finish for specified tool geometry and cutting conditions has
long been a matter of interest for finishing operations, and hence a number of models exist for the very simple cases
but not for the intermittent cut operations. The entry of the tool and the exit of the tool are two critical states which
has to be analyzed in detail during intermittent cut. Both entry and exit of the tool takes high impact pounding which
is the major reason for the tool wear. Moreover, the constant cycle of engage and disengage of tools during
intermittent cut leads to unstable tool-chip temperature. This is other critical factor to be analyzed. The tool entry
and exit angle was investigated during intermittent turning and found that lower exit angle is beneficial for reducing
the degree of tool fracture [1]. Tool failure rate is very high at exit of the tool rather the entry of the tool. Chamfered
tool edges can reduce this type of tool failure rate occurring during exit of the tool [2].