On 28 July, Defence Minister Gen. Banchob submiued the findings of the defence committee investigation to the Prime Minister. But Anand preferred to delay revealing the contents of the report until he had dealt with the military leaders. Banchob said he would make public the full details of the investigation "when the time is right", but that time ne seemed to come. In the interim, the government committee, with its eight sub-committees, continue to probe various aspects May events. On 18 August, a 200-page report was submitted the Cabinet for consideration, and it was claimed that the findings were very similar to those of the Defence Department's investigation team. Yet Anand still refused to release the details, although he did reveal the recommendations on election eve. Amongst them were the scrapping of the Internal Peacekeeping Director Act; a review of the Emergency Management Act Martial Law Act: amendment to the Ministry of Defence Government Act. : cabinet approval to be required for use of military force to quell civilian rebellion; help to be sought from foreign countries in training of riot control methods; limits to be placed on the military's role in riot control; the inclusion a course in basic human rights in all curricula; a law on public rallies; review of regulations on maintaining national security; an increase in the police role in riot control; and the promotion of the role of the news media.