Starting Up the System
Follow these steps to power-up the system:
1. Before powering up the Pinnacle system for the first time, verify that all circuit boards and cable connections are secure.
2. Make sure the power cord for the Pinnacle system is connected to the power source and the monitor is plugged into the outlet provided on the rear panel.
3. On the rear panel, make sure the logic and motor circuit breakers are both set to the “1” or “up” (ON) position.
4. Turn the Machine Disconnect switch to the ON (1) position.
5. Make sure the red Emergency Stop switches on the Pushbutton Control Station and front panel are pulled out.
6. Turn on the monitor.
7. Press the green System Power On/Off button on the Pushbutton Control Station. This will apply power to the Pinnacle system’s computer and all internal electronics, and load the Windows operating system.
8. Double-click on the VMS or Basic-X icon (as applicable) on the Windows desktop to launch the metrology software