I Ms. Nutthakul Suwaruk with the passport number No AA2831367 have submitted an application for a Long Term VISA to the Embassy of Czech Republic in Thailand so I want to stay over 90 days during 15th October, 2016 - 12nd April, 2017 totaling 180 days purpose “invitation” from my fiancé including responsible by my fiancé for all expenses.
I graduate bachelor degree from university in Thailand. My current occupation as receptionist position at hotel in Bangkok and about my parent has current occupation as government officer in Thailand. I met my fiancé since January, 2015 his name Mr. Pavel Slehober. His current occupation as employees at Linet Company in Czech Republic.
We have plan to wedding together in next year and now we get engaged. Now we need to live together to learn couple life before marriage
I warrant that the above statements are accurate and can be verified by the attached documentation. I am requesting for your kind consideration and allow me to stay 180 days in Czech Republic. If any additional information is needed, please feel free to contact me anytime at the telephone number or e-mail address mentioned above.