My mother refused to name me before she fled the hospital, never to be seen again. I was raised by my godless grandmother who practiced the dark arts of witchcraft in my presence every night, speaking only her long lost mystical language. My grandmother insisted she home school me. She did her best, but I mostly learned English by watching television.
At age 9 my grandmother passed and I was taken in by a seemingly friendly priest. He gradually became obsessed with horrifying delusions of spiritual warfare with satanic forces for dominion over the Earth. I think this priest doubted his god's power to vanquish the evil within himself.
At age 13, I ran away from the rectory taking only my copy of Paradise Lost, so I might one day appreciate the liberating spirit of capitalism. I have yet to be blessed with such an epiphany. Why did Milton, propagandist to the regicide Cromwell, make Satan the central, most compelling character? Was it intended as a warning unto man, or unto God, of what is yet to come? If Calvin and Cromwell serve Satan's ultimate treason against God's rule, does that not mean Milton genuflects before Satan as well?
I wandered in the wilderness for days, eventually stumbling into a revolutionary anarchist commune, where I experienced true freedom for the first time in my life. I entertained my comrades with compelling tales of my isolation and defilement for which I was frequently rewarded with an extra piece of bread at dinner.
I learned to play the French horn and once my busking license was approved, I moved to New York City. I played Mozart horn concertos al fresco. Pedestrians would fling their coins at me in a futile attempt to escape their intense feelings of disgust and pity; I was a mirror on which they saw the emptiness of their souls.
I eventually saved enough change to pay for college where I mostly learned that desire is the root cause of all misery and that great beauty can always be found in imperfection.
My current hobby is collecting discarded pieces of wood I find in the street as I roam the city at night. The Maya call me Toltex, god of chaos. In the underworld I am known as Syr Shen, the death dragon. I have yet to learn my true name. I am blessed.
My mother refused to name me before she fled the hospital, never to be seen again. I was raised by my godless grandmother who practiced the dark arts of witchcraft in my presence every night, speaking only her long lost mystical language. My grandmother insisted she home school me. She did her best, but I mostly learned English by watching television.
At age 9 my grandmother passed and I was taken in by a seemingly friendly priest. He gradually became obsessed with horrifying delusions of spiritual warfare with satanic forces for dominion over the Earth. I think this priest doubted his god's power to vanquish the evil within himself.
At age 13, I ran away from the rectory taking only my copy of Paradise Lost, so I might one day appreciate the liberating spirit of capitalism. I have yet to be blessed with such an epiphany. Why did Milton, propagandist to the regicide Cromwell, make Satan the central, most compelling character? Was it intended as a warning unto man, or unto God, of what is yet to come? If Calvin and Cromwell serve Satan's ultimate treason against God's rule, does that not mean Milton genuflects before Satan as well?
I wandered in the wilderness for days, eventually stumbling into a revolutionary anarchist commune, where I experienced true freedom for the first time in my life. I entertained my comrades with compelling tales of my isolation and defilement for which I was frequently rewarded with an extra piece of bread at dinner.
I learned to play the French horn and once my busking license was approved, I moved to New York City. I played Mozart horn concertos al fresco. Pedestrians would fling their coins at me in a futile attempt to escape their intense feelings of disgust and pity; I was a mirror on which they saw the emptiness of their souls.
I eventually saved enough change to pay for college where I mostly learned that desire is the root cause of all misery and that great beauty can always be found in imperfection.
My current hobby is collecting discarded pieces of wood I find in the street as I roam the city at night. The Maya call me Toltex, god of chaos. In the underworld I am known as Syr Shen, the death dragon. I have yet to learn my true name. I am blessed.
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