The spectroscopic and radiative properties of Sm3+ doped glasses have been analyzed. The free - ion energy leve lanalysis through Hamiltonian model reveals a good agreement between experimental and calculated values. The higher value of Ω2 indicates that the present glass exhibits higher covalency. Also the higher peak stimulated emission cross-section and gain coefficient for the title glass suggest that this glass can act as a suitable host for Sm3+ ion for laser applications. Moreover, the decay rates exhibit single exponential behavior at lower concen - trations and turn into non –exponential for higher concentrations. The non-exponential decay rates are well-fitted to the Inokuti– Hirayama model for S=6 indicating that the energy transfer through cross-relaxation between Sm3þ ions is of dipole–dipole interaction which depends on dopant concentration. It is also found that the energy transfer parameter, critical transfer dis- tance and donor–acceptor interaction parameter increase with Sm3+ ion concentration