Hint, hint
Sebastian leaped onto the couch next to john Jones, his human, and leaned close to his ear, humming. Ummmmm ,umm.
John looked up from his newspaper, frowning. "Why are you whimpering,boy?"
Whimpering? Could't john tell the difference between whimpering and a fine rendition of "happy birthday to me"?
A detective on the city police force, john should certainly be able to uncover this broad clue that his fuzzy buddy's birthday was almost here. But sometimes john was a little slow. And Sebastian (super sleuth), the clever canine, the hairy hawkshaw, the daring dog detective(unpaid and Underappreciated as he was) had to solve the cases for his kindhearted but bumbling human.
Sebastian sighed. This was going to be tougher than he'd thought. He hummed again, this time more slowly. Ummmm umm.
After all, it was Monday night,and Wednesday would be his birthday.
John tossed his newspaper aside and grabbed sebatian by the scruff of the neck. "You must have fleas, that's it."
Fleas ! Oh,on,not the flea spray! It smell like stinkweed. And it stang! Sebastian's toenails scratched the linoleum as he pull against john's grip.
Squeezing his eyes shut, sebastian gritted his teeth and braced himself. In an instant the spray had saturated his thick coat and was dribbing down his skin, cold and stinging. Achool Yuck ! How uncomfortable. How humiliating.
"There now," john said, patting Sebastian on the head, "isn't that better?"
Sebastian rushed back into the living room and rubbed his back on the carpet, throwing all four paws into the air and writing, trying to get as much of the spray off as he could. Arrg!
John chuckled. "Such a silly dog. You're like a puppy!"
Sebastian rolled over and sprang to his feet, hope renewed. Puppy now they were getting somewhere. He bounded around the room, wiggling and yipping. Puppy, birth, birthday! Would john make the connection?
John shook his head, laughing. "You'll never grow up." He drop onto the couch and picked up newspaper. Then the phone rang and john reached over, punching the amplifier button.
"Channel two?" John muttered as he turned on the tv.
The images flickered, then steadied, showing Amanda Chandler, channel two's nightlife reporter. "-repeat, we were at the museum of fine art's reception of city dignitaries and art patrons for a preview showing of three masterpieces on special tour. One of there was only recently rediscovered. "Suddenly the entire building went dark. When the light were restored, the newly rediscovered masterpieces had vanished. Ironically, the chief of police was attending the invitation-only event along with other city officials, and he was standing no more then two feet from the paining when it was allegedly stolen."
"Oh,no." John moaned. "How embarrassing."
The camera zoomed in on Chief. His face was so red it looked like a radish, and he was waving his arms wildly, shouting at two uniformed officers. The mayor was waving her arms and shouting at him. "Chief," the reporter said, shoving a microphone toward him, "how could this happen with you here?"
Chief sputtered.
The reporter continued."you personally set up the security for this show, didn't you? Two days ago you called it foolproof."
Chief curled his lip at the woman, then seemed to think better of it. He took a visible breath before answering. " the thief will not get away with it. My detective will avenge this affront to the art world and to our city."
"You tell 'em, Chief!" John said, grinning.
"And they'll do it within forty-eight hours," Chief said.
"Forty-eight hours!" John echoed. "But "
"Or i'll start looking for new detective."
"Ohh," john moaned.
Sebastian felt a twinge of fear. He and john could be unemployed, broke, homeless. Worse yet, they could be foodless!
The fear vanished as quickly as it had come. Sebastian licked john's hand reassuringly. The cleverest canine cop ever was on the case. He'd solve it.
Sebastian(super sleuth) was not ready for retirement.