Agile project managers (PMs) have a wide range of metrics from which to choose that
show diferent types of progress at the iteration and release levels of agile projects. A
deeper understanding of the variety of metrics for agile will enable PMs to determine
how and when to use them most efectively to communicate progress to project
stakeholders. This paper will begin by reviewing metrics PMs currently use to track
progress and report progress to stakeholders in a project, an iteration and a release.
Details for iteration planning and estimating will build the framework for selecting
progress reporting metrics. Best practices for progress reporting will include a
detailed examination of how and when to use the methods available, including daily
meetings, iteration delta tables, release and iteration burn-down charts, progress
reports, running tested features (RTFs) and earned value management.
This informative paper will provide best practices project managers should use to
expand the use of the metrics at their disposal to fne-tune the progress they are
showing on their agile projects.