2010. Ravenna
Ravenna, located near the Adriatic Coast of north east Italy, attracts
millions of tourists every year, in part, to witness Dante’s Tomb and
to experience the related historical attractions. Dante was an Italian
poet born in 1265 who had been exiled from his home city of Florence
due to political struggles. Dante died in exiled in Ravenna in 1321
at the age of 56. He was best known for his epic poem entitled, La
Divina Commedia also called The Divine Comedy.
The Monument Complex of the Franciscan Cloisters of Ravenna
(‘Chiostri di Dante’ - ‘Dante’s Cloisters’) is an integral part of Ravenna’s
history and culture. The complex is in close proximately to Dante’s
Tomb and includes various structures incorporating historical exhibitions.
Set among beautiful cloisters and archways, it invites the
public to experience a transformation to another time in history.
The complex has undergone a three-year addition and renovation
project, commission by the Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna Foundation,
the owner of the complex. The renovation included the restoration
of the historic Dante Museum and library of the Dante Centre. The
renovation also encompassed the building of a unified structure for
multi-purpose use, the Cassa di Risparmio Library, archives, a large
exhibition room, the ‘Opera di Dante’ rooms in the Braccioforte wing,
a 70-seat conference room, and Enzo Bettiza’s book collection or
library which includes volumes of Northern European and Balkan
literature and philosophy.
2010. RavennaRavenna, located near the Adriatic Coast of north east Italy, attractsmillions of tourists every year, in part, to witness Dante’s Tomb andto experience the related historical attractions. Dante was an Italianpoet born in 1265 who had been exiled from his home city of Florencedue to political struggles. Dante died in exiled in Ravenna in 1321at the age of 56. He was best known for his epic poem entitled, LaDivina Commedia also called The Divine Comedy.The Monument Complex of the Franciscan Cloisters of Ravenna(‘Chiostri di Dante’ - ‘Dante’s Cloisters’) is an integral part of Ravenna’shistory and culture. The complex is in close proximately to Dante’sTomb and includes various structures incorporating historical exhibitions.Set among beautiful cloisters and archways, it invites thepublic to experience a transformation to another time in history.The complex has undergone a three-year addition and renovationproject, commission by the Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna Foundation,the owner of the complex. The renovation included the restorationof the historic Dante Museum and library of the Dante Centre. Therenovation also encompassed the building of a unified structure formulti-purpose use, the Cassa di Risparmio Library, archives, a largeexhibition room, the ‘Opera di Dante’ rooms in the Braccioforte wing,a 70-seat conference room, and Enzo Bettiza’s book collection orlibrary which includes volumes of Northern European and Balkanliterature and philosophy.
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