for the decaffeination of moistened green tea leaves has been early
described at 293–353K and pressure up to 30 MPa [26]. The extraction
cell was loaded with 0.7 kg of green tea leaves and CO2 flow
rate was set to 9 kg/h. For the extractions using cosolvent, the
cosolvent/CO2 ratio (kg/kg) was 0.022 (around 2% mass). These
extractions were conducted in two different modes: static and
dynamic modes. In the first case, green tea was soaked with the
cosolvent and was loaded into the extraction cell. The soaked leaves
were heated up to 343K,then CO2 was pumped untilthe extraction
pressure was attained. The mixture was allowed to stand during
30 min and finally, CO2 was pumped afterward during 3.5 h
(210 min). In the dynamic mode, the dry grounded leaves were
loaded into the extraction cell and heated up to 343K, then CO2
and the cosolvent were continuously pumped and mixed in the
desired ratio previous to introduction into the cell