Pandora (English: Pandora) is a woman, the first human on Earth, and she is the most beautiful woman because she is the only woman on Earth. she opened the box that contains the evil international, Was created by many god and goddess for the aim to punish mankind,Note because the previous divine being has tee, rami Othman Prometheus stealing fire of god Hestia from Olympus for gave to humans. As a result, humans start strong: the God. Zeus gods entered the curiosity into a pan with Pandora's mopklong dora, which she does not reiterate, open and send her down to the human world. Pandora get married to Titan Epimetheus, and had descendants men and women succession.
Over time,Suspicion more of pandora. Until she decided to open the Pandora out. Suddenly myself. Various international evil, ejected from the spout straight into the human heart, killing bite to eat each other until becoming the dark age. Mrs. dora panic dash to close the Pan make a catchment despair in it. Man, it's still life with hope. But human beings are evil spirit more and more until finally the gods of somom, thus flooding the world, evil dead man. Men who have a good mind to survive it a tribe descended the following varieties. By the evil Island stuck in my heart thanks to if there is no hope, asserts he made mistakes. The various evils, which may be dangerous.